Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!
Winter has officially arrived
Hello Everyone,
December is upon us, we are now officially in the Season of Winter.
The Crew have been working really hard…which does help them to keep warm. We have had days of very low temperatures this last week, never above four degrees. Many layers of tops and trousers need to be worn to keep the heat in. Lucy even has a heated bodywarmer powered by batteries!
The Walled Garden
Another twenty tons of compost was delivered on Monday. Bob levelled this all with the help of the building crew. This took a full day. The remaining part of the week, Bob was carrying out Freyja project duties.
We are all delighted with the YouTube Channel performance with over one thousand views (no, they are not all family) since it was first aired. Pretty impressive for first timers. Plus we have subscribers! This is all very new to Bob and I, yet another learning experience. Thank you for watching. Another episode is available from today. Enjoy.
The Farm
Lucy and Graham spent a number of days correcting all the damage that last week’s snow storm created. To ensure protection against Avian Bird Flu, in case of a chicken “lockdown” being announced, the chicken run roof is covered with a netting. However, the snow came down heavily and quickly, resulting in a heavy weight of snow on the chicken run roof. The roof broke! Wooden beams needed to be replaced and the netting removed, replaced and fixed. No chickens were harmed, thankfully.
Our chickens are allowed to roam and range in the Orchard Field which is alongside the chicken run. Although they do have a tendency to wander further afield. We very often have non locals knocking on the door to ask “are the chickens yours as they are on the road?” Our girls always return home, especially when they hear the sound of the feed lid being opened. Unfortunately, Avian Bird Flu has been identified down South already. We will be keeping an eye on this situation. Thankfully our chicken run has been repaired and made good, they are in a huge area, ready for any chicken “lockdown”.
At the end of the Asparagus season, the plants are left to grow and have all the food, sugar, which is within the plant, absorbed to ensure the plant is healthy and giving, the following year. The plant has done its job and the excess growth has now been cut back. The crowns of Asparagus will now become dormant over the cold spell and return during the late Spring and early Summer next year (2025! can you believe it!) when the sun light and warmth returns. The circle of life continues.
I know I go on about Mother Nature. But she truly is amazing. Earlier this week, when it was freezing, the crops froze and flagged. They did not look good for anything, particularly the celeriac which was very droopy. Now, the leaves have all bounced right back up again, look amazing and shout “pick me”.
The last of the herbs, on the other hand, have all completely flopped with, what seems, no life. The tops are “done for”, however, down below the roots will be hard at work ensuring that they are ready for next year.
On the farm and also in the Walled Garden, we do snap and break shovels, spades and forks on a reasonably regular basis. When I say we, that does not include me as I am certainly not as strong as the crew, those days, unfortunately, have gone for me.
New tools are expensive. So instead of replacing items, Graham has been burning the shank from the metal and replacing with a new shank. It’s a win win…a much cheaper solution and the brazier kept Graham warm. Now is a great time to mend, fix, sharpen and check all tools and equipment in your tool shed. So, if you have a quiet moment, maybe want to escape the silly season shopping…go and check on your garden tools.
Till next week,