Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!
What Day Is It?
Hello Everyone,
Having fun?
We are in that moment of the “is it Christmas or is it New Year?” period. Safe to say it is Sunday and the sunrise was beautiful. The weather has been perfect for walking to clear the head. Christmas Day for Bob and myself was very peaceful and calm. Boxing Day brought our gorgeous family for the next few days (and some chaos) and the kitchen was open! We hope you enjoyed your time and on now, to the next few days. This we will spend with another family sleep over with friends joining us for another walk. This time to the woods and a treasure hunt devised by Grandad Bob.
So, as you can see, we are enjoying “down time”. As are the gardens and Crew. We are obviously feeding the chickens, or should I say the grandchildren are feeding the chickens. We will have little fatties as the chickens are probably being way overfed…well it is Christmas.
We are checking in on the crops and tunnels but they need next to no attention. The Walled Garden is being left to its own devices and I am sure it is coping.
Both the farm and garden are ready to re-join the resetting time in the New Year. In the meantime, both Bob and I are enjoying the chilling time and gearing ourselves for 2025 and it’s going to be a huge year of Fresh Local Organic Produce and…changes. The winter season is the planning season and before we know it the season of Spring will be upon us with good daylight, heat and new growth.
Our YouTube Channel will also continue with something new to watch each week. Ben, our photographer and YouTube guy, I also hope has had some downtime. However, alongside any downtime he has prepared more delights for you to watch. It has amazed everyone involved on this project how so many people have watched and subscribed to the channel. If you want to see the lovely Bob and his PAS100 compost delivery or if you would like to sample a Swedish festive menu go take a look. Thank you for watching.
Well, I will take my leave and end 2024 with an enormous thank you for your support, interest and words of encouragement. I will continue posting and informing you all on our progress throughout 2025. Progress which we hope is productive in all senses of the word.
See you next year,