Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Warmer weather
Hello all,
Just a quick update today as, as you can imagine, these are busy busy days.
We are continuing with the watering of all the produce which is growing in the polytunnels. We have taken all the sides up in each polytunnel as the temperature in each polytunnel is getting higher and higher each day. Looking at the forecast it is going to zoom up in the coming days….even more watering! We have one last area in polytunnel seven which needs converting to ‘no-dig’….hopefully this will be completed in the coming days.
We have been carefully watching the weather forecasts to guide us when to start sowing/planting out – always got to be careful that we follow the weather and don’t sow/plant out too early! As the temperature is picking up….20 degrees maybe over the coming weekend, we are going to start planting out the brassicas and roots in the Pond Field. It will be great to have all the vegetables we have started in the greenhouses planted out – creating space for some more seeding to take place.
We hope you are enjoying our ‘leaves’. We are growing a huge assortment of leaves to put into our ‘mesclun’ bags – ‘mesclun’ is the French approach to salad, mesclun means mixture. They will change from time to time. At the moment we are putting in – purple frills, golden frills, spinach, sorrel, red salad bowl and lettuce leaves. It is a mixture of fresh, peppery and lemon leaves. Enjoy.
Easter is a good season of beginning. It seems that spring has truly arrived with blossom and buds, plants bursting out of the ground, rabbits running playfully, birds singing and eggs being laid. Bob and I both hope you enjoy the long weekend and the chocolate!
We are at Jesmond Food Market this Saturday. The weather is set to be gorgeous. We will have lots of organic goodies, including our organic hen eggs for your Easter breakfast.
Happy Easter,