Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Making lovely dishes with our produce
Hello Everyone,
‘Tis the Season…one of the best seasons. Our tomatoes, which are very tasty, are now prolific. As are the cucumbers, peppers, aubergines, leaves and French beans…all from the tunnels…cabbages, cauliflowers, broccoli, cabbages, fennel, courgettes and much more…all from outside…beautiful fragrant herbs from inside and outside. Bob and I hope you are enjoying the Fresh Local Organic Produce which is delivered to you.
Most of you, our lovely customers, understand we deliver to a few very good restaurants…Hjem, our local Michelin Starred restaurant and Cook House with Long Friday which has a Michelin Plate. They have deliveries each week from our little farm. They take exactly the same farm produce which you all take. Both owners and Chefs take just what we have to offer each week…a little like our bespoke offering on the website…and then their menus reflect our seasonal goodies.
Having eaten at both venues, I find it astounding how they create such delicious dishes from the boxes of organic produce they take each week. The food is prepared and presented and tastes divine. Very often it is fresh seasonal vegetables and fruit from that particular week. Very often the vegetables and fruit have been preserved from the previous season. They always take many many herbs and flowers for enhancing and decorating their dishes.
This makes me very proud to think that the fruit, vegetables and herbs we grow on our little farm is cooked to perfection. But, I also feel quite jealous of the standards of cooking they achieve when I do soooo very little grand cooking these days. I have my own ‘shop’ I can go to and a fab kitchen of tools to use. But still, I do not prepare many adventurous meals these days.
Time is a huge factor as to the lack of variety in our meals…during the lighter nights we tend to work till late and then it is a quick and easy meal. I know the old favourites which guarantee a satisfied tum. It is easy!
I have decided that I am going to put more effort into our evening meal, especially having the shop in our fields! The vegetables coming from the tunnels and outside growing areas are looking amazing. Eating them fresh off the vine or plant proves they taste delicious to. So, I have had a good talking to myself and I have told myself to get back to being more adventurous in the kitchen. Make the time to prepare more interesting meals. Get back to planning menus. This maybe at weekends only while I begin the process of being a domestic goddess in the kitchen again.
I will not be of the standard of our restaurant friends but I can guarantee Bob will be delighted. I have no excuse to use our beautiful seasonal goodies.
For those buying goodies this week, enjoy your cooking, I know I will.
Take care and thank you for your support,