Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Summer Scenes
Hello Everyone,
While walking in the Pond Field on Friday night, just as the sun was setting, I caught this lovely view. The marigolds looked golden with the sun shining on the flowers and making the greens look had been a glorious day. Then yesterday came and it was raining. But it did not stop play. Oh no! Our second course took place even at times when it rained. It would seem that waterproofs are the latest trend, thankfully, as they were needed. However, by the early afternoon the sun made an appearance. Everyone seemed to enjoy the day and all went away with new knowledge and (hopefully) inspiration.
Today it is lovely weather (Sod’s law!) and 8 degrees warmer. The poor creatures must be totally confused as to which season we are in. They are going to have to adapt just as we do. I must say it is easier for us…we just put a waterproof jacket on with wellies. Our creatures try and survive just staying away and snoozing somewhere and I hope they take the opportunity to stock up with food over the next few weeks of good weather.
Considering the fluctuation in temperatures and the cloudy and wet days, the crops are doing great, particularly in the polytunnels. We have harvested from the tomatoes and cucumbers this last week and more are ripening by the minute. The peppers and aubergines are growing and looking good. The tomatillo plants are starting their usual unruly spread. We are near the end of the broad beans, but the French beans are soon ready to replace them. There will be no lettuce or mesclun this week, sorry. New leaves are all in situ and will be available soon.
This is not the only growth happening inside the tunnels. We do have kale, carrots, spring onions and beetroot all showing green shoots of promise. These crops will be available in the next season.
We are more than half way through the season of Summer. If I remember rightly, I did say in an earlier journal how I would like to make the most of this year's Summer. Well unfortunately, it does seem to be passing us by. Soooo, let’s all do an Indian Summer dance for a beautiful Autumn.
Last week we harvested, packed and delivered over our usual capacity. We do realise that quite a number of you, our lovely customers, find it a challenge to be able to order your Fresh Local Organic goodies. We can only apologise, but we also can only do as much as we can in one week. When we began this ‘career change’, Bob and I decided that we did not want to be a big operation. Our experience just proves the need for more small scale organic farms.
If you are enjoying time away from school, university, work or just off…have a great one. Till next week,