Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Hello Everyone
‘Tis nearly the season and we have Sprouts!
To help everyone, including ourselves, we will be sending out our Christmas week delivery newsletter, a couple of days earlier than usual, on Monday 17th December with the aim of getting all your Christmas orders in early during that week.
We will be delivering these orders on Saturday 22nd December and Sunday 23rd December instead of the normal delivery days of Thursday and Friday so you receive it as fresh as possible for Christmas Day.
For the Christmas week’s delivery there will be an additional option of a ‘Festive Box’ available to order, existing options will still be available eg. Create You Own Box.
The Festive Box will on our website from next week and will have all your organic vegetables for a traditional Christmas meal……including sprouts!
Any sprout recipes are gratefully accepted and we will put them into our email next week!
This week has been cold, wet and windy….like very wet and very windy! Having polytunnels means work of some description can take place. This week we have tidied all the tunnels. This allows a check on all the organic produce we still have growing and the organic produce we have overwintering. They are all looking pretty good, thankfully. Just look at our Brussels Sprouts above.
Where a gap has become available in the tunnels, Bob and I have started to create our new ‘no dig’ beds. Below is a picture of our first bed – only another 99 to do!
As we have already explained, the ‘no dig’ method is our new approach from now and onwards. No dig sounds like an easy option….no digging!? We are hoping that it is! However, the research we (Bob mainly) suggests very strongly that this is good for the Soil, good for the produce AND good for the body. We are using the no dig method with bark chip paths alongside each bed. The path will be used to tend each bed. We feel that if we keep our muddy boots from the bed there will be no compacted soil, no disturbance of the soil and the produce is able to grow in a clean environment. We should not have to touch the soil in each of our beds except to sow or plant our organic produce and then to harvest our lovely organic produce.
Till next week.
It is all good and exciting….HoHoHo!