Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Soil Association Review
Hello Everyone,
We hope you are very well and ready for the autumn season.
We have just had our annual review from the Soil Association. All good news! The assessment is always extremely rigorous and takes many hours to complete. This is just what you need to hear. If you find a business has been awarded certification, it is always reassuring to know that the certificate has been earned and not given out easily. We have been with the Soil Association for many years and we know they always apply a thorough approach. Bob and I are delighted to have our Organic status from the Soil Association renewed once again.
So…the pigs are all doing well with the piglets now terrible teenagers and the Mum generally tiring of them. The remaining pigs from the previous litter are growing. The Dad is just a lovable giant.
…the chickens and ducks are the same as usual and follow us in the hope of more food from the bin they know is full of organic pellets and just inside the barn door.
…the Orchard is full of trees which look like decorated Christmas trees.
…the Pond Field is okish with the outside Organic veg. Some are fab, some are only ok. We are still planning and learning in this field.
…the Green Field is okish with the outside Organic fruit and vegetables.
However, inside the polytunnels looks amazing (well we think it looks amazing and you can judge for yourself if you attend the open day). It just seems to work inside the tunnels. We are getting better at tending the crops inside. Inside is best.
One crop which we know we can grow is radish. We are growing six varieties of radish, all with interesting names. We have Rosa, Cherry Bell, Spanish Black, French Breakfast, Rudolph and White Icicle. They vary from mild to quite hot. However, when thinly sliced and sauté in a little butter and rapeseed oil with a touch of sea salt, they are amazing. The harshness and heat diminishes and a real delicate side dish is delivered.
Another crop we can grow has been the Hungarian Wax Pepper. This week we have had them roasted with feta cheese crumbled inside the half pepper. Just yummy!
Obviously, we have tomatoes! Tomatoes are just the best crop to eat, especially fresh from the vine. Tasty.
Take care and have a great week,
Note for your diary:
Open Day September 29th from 1pm till 4pm
Bob will be giving a talk at 2pm and at 3pm
Please email us to say you are coming