Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Robson Green's Weekend Escapes
Hello Everyone,
If you remember from last week’s journal, I did mention that we were having visitors to the farm on Tuesday but that it was a secret. Well the secret is now out of the bag and we have permission to tell…
Robson Green from the telly came to shoot a segment of film which will be part of an edition for his new series of ‘Robson Green’s Weekend Escapes’. All very exciting. He is a proper charmer and an all round good egg. Our friend, coz we are friends now (hehe), promotes the North of England so very well in his programs. However, from our viewpoint promoting the North of England is not a chore. We are extremely lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the country. We have access to hills, valleys, sea and towns with history and fun activities which makes for a very easy place to promote.
The filming process was fairly quick…about three hours. The team was professional and interested in what we do here on the farm. Bob was our film star from the farm. But, I am not sure this new career is for him, well I hope not! He is needed on the farm!
You will be able to see the program early next year, just like gardening, patience is required.
The farm is blooming. The tunnels are filling with beans, salads, cucumbers, peppers, aubergines, chard and soooo many tomatoes. The outside beds are also filling with cauliflowers, cabbages, onions, beetroot, kohl rabi, garlic, courgettes and much more.
The Crew are all working really hard planting out all the seedlings sown earlier in the year. We all should be working in shorts, Tshirts and factor 30. At the moment we are still wearing long trousers, jumpers and jackets with waterproofs on the odd occasion. Come on Summer! We need you to help move along the growth of our goodies! As much as we want the Summer Season proper to enjoy sitting and sunning ourselves, from a growers corner, we need some good sunlight and heat to help the strawberries, for instance, to ripen. We have another few days of this cooler weather then maybe heat will develop.
Thank you for returning all of the boxes and your continued support. It is greatly appreciated. Have a great week and take care,