Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Our update on Coronavirus
Hello everyone,
The world seems quite chaotic at the moment. Hopefully we can offer some reassurance….
Firstly, anyone who knows us realises that we are more than assiduous when it comes to our farm and general domestic duties. (I know I do annoy Bob when it comes to the cleaning and tidying of the house).
Our approach to our produce and our animal husbandry follows the same cleanliness approach.
We are very particular when it comes to caring for all the animals. Specifically when it comes to our tending of the animals; we wear gloves, we wash our boots and the washing machine is constantly on to wash our outer gear. Regarding ourselves we wash our hands regularly or more than often just shower.
Working in the fields and tunnels, follows the same pattern again…gloves, protective clothing and washing our hands.
When we are at the market, we tend to use gloves in the winter but, being honest, it is difficult to serve while wearing gloves. We do have hand gel and we do wash in the local amenities.
When we deliver to you, we ensure that we provide a delivery process which is smooth (I know not always, perfect we are not, but we strive to be) and sociable. If you would like to consult on how you want your deliveries over the next few weeks do not hesitate to email.
Some of you maybe self-isolating already and we will gladly help you with your weekly deliveries.
As part of a food industry and with being certified by the Soil Association, we have to follow systems and complete paperwork to ensure cleanliness is a priority.
All of this being said…..all of our produce should be handled with care and consideration from yourselves. Meat…speaks for itself. Fruit and vegetables should always be washed before you consume the item.
Bob and I watch and read all the news and duly take note of all the information it provides, particularly from HM Government and Public Health England, although this is very fluid.
We are not in panic mode, but we do want to reassure you that we will continue to follow our approach to our farm and the produce we deliver to you.
We are a farm and farms are muddy and messy. However, we think we are a clean farm.
We hope you are all very well, do not stress and eat well….eat organically well…..and finally we have a new juice available on the website; Carrot, Apple and Ginger Juice – how healthy does that sound!