Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Made in Northumberland
Hello Everyone,
We hope you are all well and a huge thank you for all the boxes and cool bags returned to us last week. It is great to know that we are all doing our bit for the environment by reusing, recycling and composting.
This week Bob and I have partly used our time being better organised market gardeners and making our farm tidy and orderly. There are times when lots of things seem to get out of hand and areas become cluttered with stuff. We have taken a little time to compost and recycle stuff. It is always our intention to be organised and we have now put ourselves back on track with no clutter around (at the moment and long may this be the case!).
We have been tending our crops daily. Generally, we open the doors on the tunnels each morning and have a walk up and down the paths and look. We get to know what is happening to each and every plant. It is very important to us that we note daily changes to our beds of crops. For instance….I open polytunnel one each morning and in bed one I count how many lettuce seedlings are popping up. Day one – 54 through. Day two – 58 through. Day three -76 through. I will continue the count. My life is soooo exciting!!!
We can also see immediately when new vegetables are ready to be put on the website – this week Gherkins are new to the website!
We had a visit from the Northumberland County Council Environmental Health/Weights and Measures Officer this week. Delighted to say……no issues!!! These are always important visits and they are also always informative. As a result of this visit, we are becoming a member of ‘Made In Northumberland’ scheme. This is a verification scheme designed to promote local food produced in Northumberland. It also allows us to be in contact with other local producers who are members of the scheme. Good to know!
Our piglets have become teenagers and, as teenagers, they want to be out. As we have said before, if they can find away to escape the pen they will. So, poor Bob, is spending a lot of his mornings and evenings chasing the piglets….all the way home.
Winning joke from the Edinburgh Festival –
“I cannot stop saying the words cauliflower and broccoli – I think I have florets” HaHa!
Have a good week,