Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Lovely Cabbages
How are you all doing?
Bob and I are both very well after one of the busiest weeks ever on the box scheme last week. Thank you for your continued support.
You will be glad to hear that sausages are back! So are the other tasty joints and cuts of pork. The one thing we will say about this selection of pork is that it is looking very good. There is plenty of fat on the meat, particularly the loin, which will certainly add to the succulent meat and crispy crackling. The pork loin chops are back as are the pork loin steaks. This is really beginning to sound like hearty meals for Autumn and Winter days. Enjoy.
We are in the process of turning round from one season to the next, from Spring and Summer to Summer and Autumn. We are trying to be as speedy as possible taking one crop out and replacing the beds with a new organic vegetable. The French Dwarf Beans are now out and Chinese Cabbage and Red Cabbage is in place of the Beans. The Carrots have replaced the Broad Beans and the first Swiss Chard. The Mustards and Mesclun have replaced the indoor Beetroot. The extremely large Carrot bed has just been prepared for more Brassicas. More indoor and outdoor areas will be replaced during the coming few weeks. The outdoor beds are still full of red and white Onions, Leeks, Potatoes, Artichokes and assorted Squash. These will all be harvested and stored (space…..we need more space!) ready for the boxes during the coming months. More over wintering Beetroot, Brassicas, Leeks and Onions will go in these areas.
This time of the year results in new crops being harvested all the time. For example this week the Marner Largerweiss Cabbage (see photo above) is now ready. Definitely one of our favourite Cabbages.
The seedlings have all been sown in the office (greenhouse) by the lovely Lucy and myself over the last few weeks. Some have just been sown, others are ready and about to be planted out, many are already planted out and thriving, such as the Cauliflowers and Cabbages.
Surprisingly, the plan we started this year seems to have worked! Well it has mostly worked….Bob has had to do some tweaking of the plan to allow for weather, more lovely customers oh! and a pandemic! I did not think we would have to allow for that this time last year!
Well back to the plan and planting.
Have a great week and my top tip for this week is please try and place your order ASAP as we had to turn a few people away last week as we had many orders (and many late orders) which we could not fulfill.