Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Lockdown - Part 2!
Hello Everyone,
Bob and I hope you are very well and ready for lockdown part two!
We are living in weird times with our daily routine being altered by the hour. We, obviously, have to run with it and follow the instructions we have been given. Bob and I will follow all the guidance and will continue to clean our hands regularly, wear face masks when required, and distance ourselves when delivering to your home.
Last week we saw an upsurge in orders and we have already received a number of orders for next week. This is good news from our point of view, however, there is a limit to how many boxes we can deliver and we will have to close our shop when we reach our capacity. This upsurge in orders is almost certainly due to the effects of the mini lockdown that has just been announced. So can we ask to please place your orders ASAP as we do not want to disappoint any of you, our lovely customers.
Work on our farm is ongoing. We seem to be about to enter the Autumn season with colder weather due next week. The unfortunate side issue of Autumn is that my shorts will have to be put away till next year. I have enjoyed being in my shorts, but long trousers will be the order of the day from now on.
We are clearing lots of space in the outside areas. The potatoes are all harvested. This area is having a layer of compost placed on top of the ground in readiness for the over wintering onion sets and garlic cloves to be planted. Bob did tell Lucy and myself how many sets are to be planted and he did make our day……..twelve thousand onions and three thousand garlic gloves….all to be planted by hand!!!!!! Oh how we laughed! This is twice as many as last year which can be looked at in two ways…..’blinkin’eck!’ or ‘WOW! we are growing as a business’. I will tell you which after my back recovers.
This season’s red onions are now all out from another outside area. We will place compost here and then more brassicas will be planted over winter. The problem we are having is finding space to dry the onions to then store them. Good job you are asking for them in your boxes so reducing the number of onions we have to dry and store.
Some of our Orchard Apples are ready and we have been picking and collecting windfalls this last week. Some apples will be sold and those which do not make the grade will go into juicing. Yep! Hexhamshire Organics Apple Juice will be back real soon.
Don’t forget… your orders quickly.
Till next week….STAY SAFE,