Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Lettuces are Amazing
Hello everyone,
May Bank Holiday weekend number three and Bob and I hope you have fun.
We intend to have a little fun today as we have family and friends at the farm to celebrate with as it is my 65th birthday today (where has the time gone?) So, a quick little journal this week as I have lots of food to prepare. More or less organised, just wish I could have organised more sun and a bit more heat…something no one can book in advance.
It has been glorious this week and next promises to be even hotter. Let the watering commence! It’s a bit of a Forth Bridge job…watering. No sooner has everywhere been given a drink, then we start all over again.
Now the tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and aubergines are in the tunnels, they need regular feeding. This we do on a Friday…it’s ‘Feeding Friday’ each week. We give them a drink of an organic seaweed mixture, a good tonic to help establish, grow and fruit for you, our lovely customers.
This week the Crew have continued planting out the Courgettes, Romanesque, more Spring Onions, Leeks, French Beans and Globe Artichokes. The lovely Lucy has also been following the seeding plan to ensure that we are up to date with the propagation. We must have all the seed trays filled with the goodies to be planted out for the next season. For instance, I know we are just starting the summer season, but we have hundreds of Brussel Sprout seedlings in the greenhouse ready for planting out in the coming weeks. The Parsnips have been in the ground for months. We must make sure that these and lots of other crops are now in the ground to ensure a winter harvest. Timing is essential as these crops take lots of that time to grow.
The Summer leaves, on the other hand, grow in no time. And wow! They grow! The lettuces are amazing, as can be seen above…over a kilogram of lettuce. Try and buy this in the shops! They were in the Veg Boxes last week, they will be in them this week too.
Well, like I said, short and sweet…got a party to prepare for.
Enjoy the weather and time off, if you are off.
Take care and Happy Birthday Me,