Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Its nearly Christmas
I know we are repeating ourselves, but……
……To help everyone, including ourselves, we will be sending out our Christmas week delivery newsletter, a couple of days earlier than usual, on Monday 17th December with the aim of getting all your Christmas orders in early during that week.
We will be delivering these orders on Saturday 22nd December and Sunday 23rd December instead of the normal delivery days of Thursday and Friday so you receive it as fresh as possible for Christmas Day.
It is certainly going to look ‘a lot like Christmas’ this Saturday at Jesmond Food Market as snow is forecast. It may change between now and Saturday, however the temperature is tumbling so wrap up. I actually quite like the cold weather with hot chocolate and tingling skin when you get into the warm house. This time of the year should be cold, then we can appreciate the cosy living rooms and kitchens.
Bob and I certainly enjoy coming into the house after being outside. We are still putting in the new ‘no dig’ beds and we are delighted with how it is looking.
The piglets are all doing really well with two of them even venturing outside! They soon went back indoors when mum and her milk arrived.
Well, back to it……