Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

How to cook Jerusalem Artichokes
Bob and I hope you are all very well. We would like to say a huge ‘welcome’ to our many new customers……, welcome to
Last week the snow put pay to any work we wanted to start and complete outside. But, thankfully, the weather has improved and we can now go back outside. Next Monday three more, even larger, polytunnels will be going up in the ‘Green Field’. They are each 24 feet wide and 54 feet long!
That will give us a total of seven polytunnels. Bob and I are delighted, as it means that we will be in, even more, control of the land and the elements – and the new seasons
growth. Before the work begins the remaining vegetables will have to be removed from the ground where the polytunnels are to be erected. The electric wire fencing, which was used to protect the veggies from the rabbits, will also have to be taken down. So, as I said, it is great the snow has all disappeared.
The new tunnels will need to be filled. I am back in my office – the greenhouse!!!!! The green houses are starting to be filled with new seeds. The cauliflower seeds sown in December are coming along nicely. The leeks (hundreds of seeds), have been sown, but more leeks are still to be sown. Hundreds of seeds are sorted and ready to get
One of the vegetables we have harvested throughout the Autumn and Winter is Jerusalem artichokes. We often receive queries as to what to do with these knobbly roots. The answer…..
How to cook Jerusalem Artichokes
- Wash the roots then slice.
- Roast in olive oil and lemon juice with a few sage leaves.
- Ready to eat when golden and tender.
They are a vegetable which can be used in a similar way to potatoes. The artichokes
can be mixed with sliced potatoes and baked in a dish with layers of onions and topped
off with cream and grated cheese. They are one of Bobs favourites.
Jesmond Market was a fab day. We had lovely chats with existing customers, thank you
for popping along. We also met new customers to the market and also new people who
wanted to join our mailing list and box scheme. As we say…..Welcome.