Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Farm Re-Set Week 1
Hello Everyone,
This is Journal No 1 since Bob and I decided to reset the farm and also begin our new venture in the walled garden. To be honest, there is very little to tell from this week. We both were obviously extremely tired. So we have caught up on some sleep. We have also ‘come down’ with the dreaded lurgy. The Lovely Lucy and Graham the Great have been fab, carrying the both of us (not literally).
We are still running the farm, tending the vegetables we have already growing. We are also considering what we will be growing over the coming seasons. The crops we have will be going to the restaurants we cater for. Nothing will be going to waste.
We will not be growing many crops during the Winter Season and what we do grow will be for trial purposes and will be in the tunnels only.
The week ahead is all set to be a big discussion and decision week. We intend to prepare one huge list for the farm with our intentions for the coming months. We do have a head full of ideas and plans but we need to get them all down on paper. No doubt Bob will complete a spread sheet and come up with a plan.
A sneak preview of our new venture…the walled garden…can be seen above. We have already planted 250 trees. Some are around the walls -Cordons- and others provide an Orchard Square. Extremely large beds are being created with wooden borders. We are taking it slowly, using the knowledge we have gained over the last decade, to ensure that we complete each stage professionally.
We want to use our experience to reset the farm. We made many mistakes, we now want to put these mistakes to bed.
We also need to future proof the farm from climate and environmental challenges, which we have had to contend with recently.
The list will, as ever, be endless. But we are going to come up with a plan. Then the hardest thing is starting however, I am very excited to start, just as soon as the dreaded lurgy has gone!
Take care,