Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Christmas Box Information
Hello Everyone,
While delivering our Fresh Local Organic boxes on Friday, I was reminded that last week I promised that this week all the information you will need for the deliveries during the festivities was to be provided. The reminder was the above scene I drove by when delivering on Friday in West Northumberland. This was on the top of the Pennines and in the middle of nowhere. It did put a smile on my face. Farmers can really get into the spirit of things.
It’s Festive Time
Our Organic Festive Box is now on the website - it will, however, be removed once we have reached capacity.
The box will contain enough for four festive meals with leftovers, consisting: potatoes, carrots, onions, cauliflower, broccoli, leeks, cabbage, red cabbage, parsnips, sprouts, swede, tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, apples, oranges, clementines and lemons.
The price of this box: £40
Delivery will be on 20th, 21st or 22nd of December. We will decide your delivery day based on numbers of orders received, where they are located and is dependent upon the areas requiring a delivery.
Orders can be placed from now - but as mentioned above we will remove the festive box from the website once we have reached capacity. The Christmas Box delivery week is our busiest time of the year so my suggestion…order your Festive Box now.
Regular orders over the next few weeks can still be placed. However, we will be closing the website shop for this year on December 15th…no more orders will be accepted from this date.
Bob and I hope that you understand our system. Those who have ordered in the past know that the box will arrive…new customers can rest assured that your box does land on your doorstep and in time for you to celebrate and enjoy.
We will then take a few weeks off from packing and delivering to you, our lovely customers.
Ho Ho Ho