Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Box Scheme Deliveries
Hello everyone,
We hope everyone is well and coping with this very difficult situation.
People seem to be following the latest Government advice and as a result our home delivery service has become extremely popular over the last few days. As a result, we have been inundated with orders and we have reached the absolute limit of what we can physically deliver this week. Therefore, we have had to make the difficult decision to stop taking orders for this week. The option to order a box this week has therefore been removed from our website
We are really sorry that we have had to do this but there is a limit to what myself and Bob can actually deliver in a week.
From this coming Sunday we will make the boxes available again on the website and start taking orders for the following week.
From a delivery point of view to get the boxes out we will need to start the deliveries early so some of you may get your orders delivered on Wednesday afternoon/evening.
When we deliver each week we do take a lot of pleasure from the social interaction we have when we deliver the boxes and we do like to have a quick chat with our customers. However, the Government has asked that everyone reduces their social contact. We do realise our responsibilities in these very difficult times so from this week we will knock on your door, make sure you are there say a quick hello and goodbye. If you are not there, we will as usual, leave the box in a safe place. This sounds very cold and clinical but we want to make sure our actions protect everyone.
We will also stop taking our cart to Markets until the situation improves and focus entirely on our weekly deliveries.
This is not how we want to operate but we realise we must make changes in these uncertain times.
We hope everyone stays safe.