Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

Apple Harvest
Hello Everyone,
Can you remember those days when, on a Monday morning the teacher would say “and what did you do this weekend?” The answer we can give is “we juiced the apples”. Yes, all the apples have been harvested and the juice is in the bottles. It is always a good (and very busy) weekend when the apples are juiced. However, the task was made considerably easier as the lovely Lucy volunteered to come in on Saturday to help with the juicing.
Bob and I always talk about the two weekends when we planted the Orchard. We bought eighty trees and all that was required was “digging a hole to put them in”. It sounded sooooo easy! Little did we know. It was back breaking. The ground was rock hard, full of clay and freezing as it was the middle of winter. We felt we had to get them planted immediately or we would lose the trees. Those were the days!
Eight years ago, planting the Orchard was the first major project we completed. We now have a great area of trees in which the chickens roam in. The spring season provides a beautiful vision of blossom. The summer season, the trees are growing and the fruit is setting. The autumn provides the apples. It was worth the back breaking planting all those years ago, and now our Hexhamshire Organics Apple Juice is back on the website.
On the website, we also have our Organic Tomato and Chilli Chutney. I cannot claim responsibility for this jar full of deliciousness. The chutney has been prepared by Faye, Master Chef semi-finalist! Faye has been chopping, prepping and cooking tomatoes all week, she has told us she has really enjoyed the task, however, can’t help but feel that Faye will have been dreaming about tomatoes for the last week.
Faye is a star and is preparing lots of relishes, chutneys, jams and more for Hexhamshire Organics. Watch this space as next week I will be revealing all the tasty jars Faye is dreaming up for you, our lovely customers (and Bob our official taster…..hard job). Till then our Tomato and Chilli Chutney is a taster (Ha! Sorry) of what is to come.
The shop on the website is now fully open for you to place your orders. However, by Wednesday last week we had to limit the choice to only the Seasonal Vegetable Box as we approached our full capacity. So, once again, please place your orders before Tuesday morning to ensure you have a full choice.
Have a great week, wrap up and Still Stay Safe,