Ann's Farm Journal
Keep up with all of our updates from the farm including what’s new in season!

All Change
Hello Everyone,
Well it has been out with the old and in with the new!
Bob and I have spent much of this week removing finished crops and replacing those newly emptied areas with new crops. Areas within the polytunnels of courgettes, carrots, potatoes, mustards, leaves, beetroot, kohl rabi for instance are now finished and gone. Those areas now have new crops of lettuce, leaves, oriental greens, winter cauliflowers, cabbages, kales, Swiss chard and radish.
Our tomatoes, chillis, peppers and aubergines this year, have been the best crop we have ever had. The aubergines will be finished by this weekend. This will give more bed space to plant more brassicas come the weekend. The tomatoes will be with us for another month if not more. The chilli’s and peppers will remain in place till they have turned a bright red. Once these crops are finished we intend to sow more seeds of turnip, radish and carrots. The onions, shallots and garlic will also be planted.
Our intention is to have a crop in all parts of our land at any given time. To do this we are always looking to maximise the usage of the space we have, particularly in the polytunnels, so we are “under sowing” between plants. So for instance that means between rows of brassicas we are planting lettuces. The way to do this is with a good plan with the intention of carrying out that plan.
…….Back to the plan……
Note for your diary:
Open Day September 29th from 1pm till 4pm
Bob will be giving a talk at 2pm and at 3pm
Please email us to say you are coming